The outer most shell of an atom is the ones that involves in the bonding and its number of electrons determine the number of bonds the atom needs to reach the octet.
The shell may compose of just one orbital(e.g. in the case of hydrogen), or more than one orbital (e.g. the carbon atom) it contain both S orbital and three P orbitals.
We all know that S orbital is in different energy level than P orbital, so if the carbon atom is going to form four bonds to reach the octet is it going to be one S orbital
forming one bond and the three P orbital forming the other remaining three bonds, end up with different bonds energies(i.e two bons energies one form S and the others are from P).
Actually what they found all the four bonds have the same amount of energies when reacting with the same element(the bond energy may vary when carbon bond with different elements).
What has happened?
First the orbital within the shell are 2S 2P the S containing 2 electrons and 2 of the 3 P orbitals contain 1 electron each and 1 vacant P orbital,
what actually happened is that one electron is promoted from the 2 S orbital and fill the empty P orbital and the energy deference between the S Orbital and P orbitals is ceased.
The shape of S orbital is spherical with the nucleus in the center, and P orbital shape is dumbbell-shaped with two lobes. the shape of the new orbital formed from the promotion
of the electron is neither of the above it has two lobe a very small lobe and a very big lobe separated by NODE, it is called SP3 hybridized orbital it actually four of the with angle 109.5 in
case of methane and the carbon atom at the center.
The overall shape is pyramid shape .
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